Business owners must put the security of their data first because their organization’s performance depends on it. If you have not yet taken proper care of protecting your sensitive information, then this article will inform you of three ways many companies around the world are using to keep their operations secure. Data protection can save you from many of the problems a data breach can cause, use modern and reliable security methods.
Risk Assessment and Backup
You need to know exactly how valuable your data is, so you know what level of protection to apply to it. Accordingly, the greater the risk, the better the protection. The main reason to do this assessment is that, as we all know, good security methods do not come cheap. In addition, it will generally benefit your company and determine what data is worth more attention. This will help make the entire data processing system more efficient.
There are two categories of risk assessment. These are the potential severity that may arise in the event of a data breach, and the likelihood of a breach. If the assessment process reveals that certain data entails a lot of risks in case it is lost, it means that it is the most sensitive.
You should not conduct an assessment on your own but always consult with data protection officers.
When the assessment has been completed, it is time to decide what method of protection to use, and backups are often the answer. This method of protection avoids data loss due to any employee or system error. But backups need to be performed regularly, although this also requires additional costs. This is where our previous assessments come in handy. Data of minor importance can be backed up less frequently than more sensitive data and thus save money. To store this data it is not recommended to use cloud storage, but virtual data rooms are a great space to do so. They encrypt your data and allow you to store and share it with outsiders without any risks. Choose your data room provider and provide your data with a fully secure space.
Pseudonymization method
Pseudonymization works great with large amounts of data, its peculiarity is that it removes any identifying information from data chunks. It can replace data values, numbers, names, and other personal or sensitive information by randomly generating strings. So, if the data falls into the wrong hands, the data will be of no value, because it will be impossible to match the data to each other.
Pseudonymization is also very often used in scientific or statistical research and educational institutions such as schools and universities use this method all the time.
Access Control
Access control is one of the most working methods to ensure privacy. If only a limited number of people have access to the data, then there is much less risk associated with data leakage. By implementing access control systems the administrator can grant personal access only to those whom he deems necessary, namely to people who have a direct connection with the data. We would also recommend you conduct security literacy courses for your employees, as the human error factor also often becomes a reason for data leakage.
Involve a data protection officer to develop a unique data access policy, you can create specific roles for individual employees or for entire groups.